"...en perfeksjonert oppsummering av 90-tallets store helter. EPen er en forbedret utgave av hele Seattle-bølgen til sammen."
"Her er det rett og slett mye snadder å spore. Nok av kule riff, heftige gitarsoloer, sterke melodier og fine harmonier. Låtene er rett og slett bunnsolide!"
"Frisk og ukomplisert rock, det funker når mye norsk musikk skal være så forbanna trendy ... jeg er overbevist om at Norge trenger band som Motorfinger"
"Vi liker Motorfinger fordi de spiller sabla bra rock"
NRK P3 Pyro
"Et band å se opp for"
Metal Hammer Norge
"Modern grunge at its best! Though declared dead again and again, so prove MOTORFINGER from Norway but the opposite! ... In short, a truly outstanding EP, which arouses great expectations for future releases!"
"It is a modern, fresh and very exciting production that definitely lifts this band above most similar bands we hear today....If we were living in a fair world I would say that these guys would do brilliantly with their music.....I guess only time will tell but if this is any indication it would be simple to conclude that an album that states the band name Motorfinger would be brilliant."
"MOTORFINGER has a darker edge to their songs. It is more blue than red so to speak. And perhaps even a hell of a lot heavier than Foo Fighters or Soundgarden ever have been.....But that is also what I find so attractive about this EP. And that is why I like what I hear."
"Quite strong rock guitar, with add of an extremely good vocalist for this genre! Very confident singer, having a great vocal style, fitting this music quite well! Eases through each vocal range with excellent ability. Superb addition of feeling into his lyrics!
All around fantastic piece!"
Crowd Review
"Det är en riktigt bra EP som trots allt inte låter som allt annat eller för mycket som det som inspirerade dem......Varmt rekommenderat band och EP, bra driv, kul musik, definitivt värt att spendera en kvart på. Gärna mer än så."
"The final 'Arms Of The Sun' brings a shovel INCUBUS and big emotions come into play. Here you realize once again, how much heart and soul goes with the band to the point. Purely from a technical standpoint, it makes the production pretty much everything right. ...
The EP sounds rather like the big hit albums of Soundgarden or Alice in Chains, so very powerful and high-quality"
"My Secrets - I would give this song a 10! I love the beginning with the drums and the dynamics. The lyrics are great and catchy. This song gets to show more and more energy as the song goes on. I will buy this CD and recommend it to others.
I just loved this song and want to hear it again and again and again"
Crowd Review